Shawnime is an amateur animator developing a series of short films Called Cybertech. It is about sentient Cyber beings from the planet Cypyrean called Cybertechs. The series follows Cybertech Unit Greenstal, a mysterious Cybertech with the ability to learn without programing. He goes around Cypyrean teaching others how to access this ability in a time when Cyber terrorist known as Vyrotechs unleashed a virus on to their information network cutting them off from their only source of knowledge…
Shawnime, real name Shawn Steven Myles, first attempt at creating this series was in 2015. The film won a best animation award at the Indie film festival, the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards in 2016. It also won an award of recognitions at the Indie festivals, Hollywood International Moving Picture Film Festival, IndieFest and Best Short Competition. That film is available on Amazon Prime.
In 2019 Shawnime started working on the sequel to Cybertech 2015. Fifteen minutes of that film was completed before he decided to change course. He had been developing a new animation technique that more closely resembled the original concept drawings of Cybertech. From 2020 thru 2023, Shawnime reworked all his animation models and also took the time to write the scripts for all Eight Episodes of Cybertech and create all the sets for the series. The plan was once he started animating the first episode, he can go right into the next with no development time in between. The first film, Cybertech Episode One Shockwave. was Completed September 21, 2024. The second film, Cybertech Episode Two Barrage, is expected to be completed in 2025.
The Third thru Eighth films, Cybertech Episode Three Windslasher, Cybertech Episode Four Lightstar, Cybertech Episode Five Lazerspeed, Cybertech Episode Six Yao-Fang, Cybertech Episode Seven Strahlung and Cybertech Episode Eight Michanikos are expected be completed with in 11 months of each other.
You will be able to watch first draft of each Episode at Once all the films are complete, Shawnime will be hiring actors and a composer to dub over his lines and create an original score. The official version of each episode will be release on Amazon Prime.
Red Carpet Interview at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards in 2016.